[CCCam] Tutorial for 7020DM 7025 & "CCcam Protocol" : how to establish a LAN Cardsharing process (VIACCESS 2)
- Modem-Router with at least 3 ethernet ports
- Cables RJ-45 (cat. 5 or cat. 6)
- DMBox 500/56XX/7000/7020 <CARDSERVER>
- DMBox 7025 <CLIENT>
- PC (WIN XP) with 10/100 MBit Compatible Ethernet Interface and an FTP Client installed (FILEZILLA CLIENT 2.2.29)
- An Official Subscription Card VIACCESS 2 (CAId : 0500)
I> USING THE Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) , via the Modem-Router.
i> Go to the configuration interface of your modem and ENABLE the DHCP option. The Modem-Router is now the default Internet Gateway which acts as a DHCP Server , in order to distribute automatically to each device of the LAN (PC , DMBox) its own Local IP Address.
ii> Connect the PC and the DMBox to the modem-router , via cables RJ-45
iii> Configurations on the DMBoxes
- DM 500/56XX/7000/7020
Go to "Menu/Mainmenu/Setup/Expert setup/Communication Setup : *ENABLE the DHCP option and CONFIRM the option "Enable Network" *Connection Type : LAN *Port : 80 Green button to SAVE the above configurations
- DM 7025
Go to Menu/Setup/System/Network : * "Use DHCP" : YES PRESS the OK button to confirm the choice
iv> Configurations on the PC :
Start/Control Panel/Network Connections/Local Area Connection/Properties/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)/Properties : - CHECK the following options : "Obtain an IP address automatically" & "Obtain DNS server address automatically" - Go to Advanced/Default gateways : ADD the IP address of the Modem-Router
II> USING Personalized settings
- For the DMBoxes
The elements to be modified are the following :
- IP Address : Associate to the DMBoxes a Local IP address starting from 192.168.xxx.xxx , because this type of address is "private" and cannot be refound on the Network - Nameserver : Set the Primary (Public) IP address of your ISProvider. You could also set the Local Internal <LAN> IP address of the Modem-router. It's up to you. - Gateway : Set the Local <LAN> IP address of the Modem-router - CHECK the option : "Enable Network"
PRESS the OK/Green button to SAVE the configutations.
- For the PC
Start/Control Panel/Network Connections/Local Area Connection/Properties/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)/Properties : - CHECK the option "Use the following IP address" and set : i> IP address : 192.168.xxx.yyy ii> Subnetmask : BY DEFAULT , iii> Default gateway : the Local IP address of the Modem-router (192.168.xxx.zzz) - CHECK the option : "Use the following DNS server addresses" and set as "preferred" & "alternate" the Public IP addresses (primary and secondary) of your ISProvider
FOR EXAMPLE : *Router's Local Internal <LAN> IP address : *PC's Local <LAN> IP address : *Default Gateway : (router's IP address) *DNS server addresses : ISP's main & alternative public IP addresses OR the Router's Local IP address (
**DMBoxes's LAN IP addresses : - <DM 500/56XX/7000/7020> - <DM 7025> **Gateway : (the router's Local IP address) **Nameserver : (the router's IP address) OR the ISP's Primary IP address
- DMBox 500 : CARDSERVER - CARDSERVER'S IMAGE (img) : GP2 V. 3.30 MaxVar - CARDSERVER'S LAN IP Address : - CARDSERVER'S Username / Password : local / local - DMBox 7025 : CLIENT - CLIENT'S IMAGE (nfi) : GP2 V. 2.10 - CLIENT'S LAN IP Address : - CLIENT'S Username / Password : user / pass - Protocol to use during the Cardsharing process : "CCcam 1.6.0-Complete" Emu
- Blue Panel/Addons/Download & Install/Cam/"CCcam 1.6.0" - Blue Panel/Addons/Download & Install/Cam-config/"CCcam-Config 1.6.0" - Blue Panel/Right-Left Buttons/Selection of the "CCcam 1.6.0" Emu / Green Button (Stop/start Cam) to activate the selected Emu
Address : (Menu/Setup/System/Network/IP Address) User : root Password : dreambox Port : 21
- Go to var/etc/ and download from the DM 500 straight to your PC (double click or drag & drop) the "CCcam cfg" file. Open it with WordPad.
Just add the following F (Friend/User/Client) Line :
F: <ClientUsername> <Clientpwd> <MaxUphopsLimit> <ShareEmus> <AllowEmm> <DownshareLimitsPerShare> <DownshareLimitsPerShare>{based on caid:id:sid}
* ClientUsername : user * Clientpwd : pass * MaxUphopsLimit ("Cascading") = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 - If Uphops = 0 , the Friend/User <CLIENT> gets ONLY the Administrator's LOCAL CARDS - If Uphops = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 , the Friend/User <CLIENT> gets ALL Administrator's CARDS at a maximum of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 hops away. In other words the Client is allowed (by the Administrator) to share the Card down to other clients {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 further levels beyond his/her own} * ShareEmus = 0 , 1 {Optional} - If ShareEmus = 0 , the Client gets NO Emus - If ShareEmus = 1 (default) , the Client receives Emu shares {the corresponding C Line on Client must have a "yes" entry in the "wantemus" parameter} * AllowEmm = 0 , 1 {Optional} - If AllowEmm = 0 , the Client is not allowed to send to the Administrator Emm (Key updates) - If AllowEmm = 1 (default) , the Client is allowed to send Emm (Key updates) * DownshareLimitsPerShare {Optional} * DownshareLimitsPerShare <based on caid:id:sid> {Optional}
** The SHARE PORT (ServerPort) = 12000 (by default)
The Server's (DM 500) Cardreader Slot "recognizes" the Smartcard's CAId (0500/VIACCESS) , so there's NO NEED for additional configuration {Server's LAN Ip Address / Server's name / Server's pwd}. In other words , there's NO NEED for the Administrator to add a C ("Connection") Line , in order to allow to the Server to connect to itself via the SharePort. Anyway , EVEN IF IT'S USELESS , you could add the following C (Connection) Line :
* ServerIpAddress : * ServerPort : 12000 (by default) * ServerUsername : local * Serverpwd : local
QUOTE This is how the "CCcam cfg" file must look like :
"CCcam cfg - Wordpad"
F: user pass 0 1 1 {C: 12000 local local yes} OPTIONAL SERVER LISTEN PORT : 12000 INFO LISTEN PORT : 16000 HTML INFO LISTEN PORT : 16001 ZAP OSD TIME : 0 OSD USERNAME : root OSD PASSWORD : dreambox SHOW TIMING : yes MINI OSD : yes DEBUG : yes DISABLE EMM : yes EXTRA EMM LEVEL : yes SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw CAID IGNORE FILE : /var/keys/CCcam.ignore LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt Close the session and upload from the PC straight to the DM 500 (var/etc) the modified "CCcam cfg" file.
BLUE PANEL/SELECTION of the "CCcam 1.6.0" EMU/GREEN BUTTON : stop/start "CCcam 1.6.0" emu to reactivate and apply the modifications.
There are SEVERAL , EQUALLY VALUABLE , COMBINATIONS between <ShareEmus> , <AllowEmm> and <DownshareLimitsPerShare> parameters. That's why , you must read carefully the explanations appearing in the configuration options of "CCcam cfg" file and define the rules of the Cardsharing Process according to your own needs (personalized settings).
QUOTE Those are the Configuration Options/Settings of the "CCcam cfg" File {"CCcam - Config 1.6.0"/ CCcam Protocol} :
################################################## #################### # friends # ################################################## #################### # syntax for to add a friend user to CCcam with the max up hops limit # sharing of emus (default = 1), allow emm (default = 1), and optional # downshare limits per share (default = no limits) and optional # downshare limits per share based on caid:id:sid # emus are shared only one level down, even if no limits given # #F: <username> <password> <uphops> <shareemus> <allowemm> ( { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... } { caid:id:sid, caid:id:sid, ... } # # example: # # F: user1 pass1 10 # # user1 gets all our shares at max 10 hops from us # (our local cards + max ten hops away). He can share down to his own # clients. He also receives emu shares (if he has 'yes' behind his C: entry), # and is allowed to send us emm. # # F: user2 pass2 0 1 0 { 0100:000080, 0622:000000:1, 0500:000000:2 } # # user2 gets only our local cards but no 0100:000080. # and our 0622:000000 cards only for himself (1 hop down), # and 0500 cards for himself plus one additional hop down. # He also gets our emus, and is NOT allowed to send us emm (updates). # # F: user3 pass3 5 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:000080:1 } # # user3 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us, # and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level. # But he is not allowed to share 0100:000080 down to other users. # He gets no emus from us, and he is allowed to send us emm. # # F: user4 pass4 5 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:000080:1 } { 0100:000080:15df } # # user4 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us, # and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level. # But he is not allowed to share 0100:000080 down to other users. # He gets no emus from us, and he is allowed to send us emm. # He is also not allowed to view channel 0100:000080:15df
################################################## #################### # connections # ################################################## #################### # syntax for to add a client connection to other CCcam # add yes on end to use friends emus (non public private key/emu,etc...), # but only works when corresponding F line on server has '1' for <shareemus> # optional limits just like F line, but for incoming shares (ignore shares more than 'uphops' away) # #C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <wantemus> ( { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... } ) # # example: # # C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1 # C: 12000 user2 pass2 # connects to CCcam without use of friends emus # # C: 12000 user3 pass3 yes # connects to CCcam, and receives friends emus also.
################################################## #################### # Other config settings # ################################################## #################### # server shall listen on this port pro incoming connections # default port is 12000, disable server with parm -s or set port 0 # #SERVER LISTEN PORT : 12000
# server can give some info about server and client connections # and cardinfo
# default port is 16000 # supported commands: # info # activeclients # clients # servers # shares # providers # entitlements # example use: echo servers | telnet localhost 16000 # #INFO LISTEN PORT : 16000
# same info also available in your browser # go with your browser to http://ip_CCcam_server:16001 #HTML INFO LISTEN PORT : 16001
# time in seconds to keep On Screen Display active. # default is 0 (turned off) # #ZAP OSD TIME : 3
# username used to show popup (default : root) #OSD USERNAME : root
# password used to show popup (default : dreambox) #OSD PASSWORD : dreambox
# Serial path to phoenix reader. Add as many as you have attached too your system # default is none # optionally add readertype : phoenix,mouse,uniprog # (when non readertype given defaults to uniprog (e.g. for mastera)) # # Phoenix Reader Path : <device> <type> # # example # #PHOENIX READER PATH : /dev/tts/0
# if timing should be shown in OSD and debug output # default is no (turned off) # #SHOW TIMING : yes
# enables mini OSD which shows server(type), cardreader, keys or fta only # default is no (turned off) # #MINI OSD : yes
# turns debugging on and off # default is no (turned off) # #DEBUG : yes
# should CCcam try to read and parse newcamd.conf for server connections # default is no (turned off) # #NEWCAMD CONF : yes
# configure what EMM blocker you want. Add as many as readers you have attached # default is blocking nothing # # B: /dev/sci0 01 # 00 - nothing # 01 - sa blocked # 02 - ua blocked # 04 - ga blocked # and sum of for combinations # #examples # #B: /dev/tts/0 07 #B: /dev/sci0 01
# disable all local EMM readers # saves lots of CPU, but you won't get any updates anymore # (unless you get updates from your clients) # # default: no # #DISABLE EMM : yes
# with this setting you can # allow a client on two hops away # to send the updates to the cardserver # # default : no # #EXTRA EMM LEVEL : yes
# set card pin # * please be very careful with this option as you could lock your card * # # PIN: <device> <pincode> # #example # #PINCODE: /dev/sci0 9999
# what Softcam.Key should CCcam try to read # defaults to /var/keys/SoftCam.Key # #SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
# what AutoRoll.Key should CCcam try to read # defaults to /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key # #AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
# what constant.cw should CCcam try to read # defaults to /var/keys/constant.cw # file content can be like # # ca4:id6:sid4mtpid4:ecmpid4:key16(01 02 03...) # #STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw
# in this file you can configure what CAIDs CCcam should ignore # defaults to /var/keys/CCcam.ignore # file content can be like # # I: ca4 id6 ignore allways this caid/ident # S: ca4 id6 sid4 ignore caid/ident only on sid # #CAID IGNORE FILE : /var/keys/CCcam.ignore
# write wrong logins to file # defaults is off # #LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt
# global setting for stealthy login to newcamd/newcs server, N line can overrule # stealth modes: 0 = disabled, 1 = mgcamd new, 2 = mgcamd old, 3 = evocamd, 4 = generic # default: 0 # #NEWCAMD STEALTH : 0
# load balancing between identical cards, list device names of card readers containing identical cards, # optionally followed by a list of service id's which are to be excluded from loadbalancing # # LOADBALANCE : <device1> <device2> .. <devicen> { <exceptsid1>, <exceptsid2> .. , <exceptsidn> } # # multiple loadbalance groups can be configured, by adding multiple lines # warning: restart is required, when loadbalance group config changes # #example 1: load balance requests for three identical cards # # LOADBALANCE : /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS2 # #example 2: load balance requests for two almost identical cards, sid 0df3 and 0de1 are only available #on one of the cards, so requests for these sids shouldn't be loadbalanced # # LOADBALANCE : /dev/ttyS5 /dev/ttyS6 { 0df3,0de1 }
-Blue Panel/Addons/Download & Install/Camd/"CCcam 1.6.0" -Blue Panel/Addons/Download & Install/Camd Config/"CCcam-Config" -Blue Panel/Right-Left Buttons/Selection of the "CCcam 1.6.0" Emu/Green Button (Stop/start Cam) to activate the selected Emu -Run the Filezilla 2.2.29 FTP Client on your PC and press "Quickconnect" (http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...group_id=21558)
Address : (Get the information from : Menu /setup/ System/ Network/IP Address) User : root Password : - (for the DM 7025 there's no need for pwd-however you can type "dreambox") Port : 21
Go to /etc/ and download from the DM 7025 straight to your PC (double click or drag & drop) the "CCcam cfg" file. Open it with WordPad.
* ServerIpAddress = the Cardserver's (DM500) LAN Ip Address = * ServerPort = the SHARE PORT = 12000 (by default) * ClientUsername = user * Clientpwd = pass * WantEmus = yes {Optional , but necessary if the Client desires to activate the "ShareEmus" option (on the Server's F Line)}
QUOTE This is how the "CCcam cfg" file must look like :
"CCcam cfg - Wordpad"
C: 12000 user pass yes SERVER LISTEN PORT : 12000 INFO LISTEN PORT : 16000 HTML INFO LISTEN PORT : 16001 ZAP OSD TIME : 0 OSD USERNAME : root OSD PASSWORD : dreambox SHOW TIMING : yes MINI OSD : yes DEBUG : yes DISABLE EMM : yes EXTRA EMM LEVEL : yes SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw CAID IGNORE FILE : /var/keys/CCcam.ignore LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt
Close the session and upload from the PC straight to the DM 7025 (/etc) the modified "CCcam cfg" file. BLUE PANEL/SELECTION of the "CCcam 1.6.0" EMU/GREEN BUTTON : stop/start "CCcam 1.6.0" emu to reactivate and apply the changes.
The LAN Cardsharing Process is about to begin , thanks to the powerful "CCcam Protocol" ("CCcam 1.6.0-Complete" Emu) and its (various & interesting) configuration options (via the associated "CCcam cfg" file). The "CCcam 1.6.0" Emu can be used , AT THE SAME TIME , as a "Cardserver" (on DM 500) and as a "Client" Emulator (on DM 7025). Via its configuration options , it can be totally compatible with other "Camd Protocols" and contributes to the establishment of a successful & fully operational cardsharing process.